

“The difference between people who make their dreams come true and those who don’t is the courage to start and the courage to keep going” - Mel Robbins.

This quote really struck a chord with me. I’m talking stopped me in my tracks, paused the book, and go write it down immediately style- struck a chord with me.

Not every dream has to be big and elaborate. Some of the best things are simple. My dreams aren’t complex. If I am being real with myself, I am living my wildest dreams out now. But every day doesn’t feel like it and that’s where the problem lies.

This quote reminds me to put that into perspective again and live up to my aspirations daily. I am my habits. In me, I have the courage to push myself to do the things that help me grow and feel my best, one choice at a time until it becomes instinctual.

In The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins, she shares an anecdote of a man who is struggling with loneliness. He has a fear of rejection which often stops him from putting himself out there. However, after learning the 5 Second rule and seeing a pretty girl in a bar- he decides to go after it. He completes the countdown, 54321, walks across the bar, and then….. Robbins leaves us with bated breath as she laughs “IT IS IRRELEVANT”. It doesn’t matter if he got the girl or if she snubbed him. What matters is that he got up. If he continues to get up, he will be better for it each time, and each time, it’s not dependent on the outcome. It’s about exercising courage.

I want to flex my courage muscle every day, in a million ways. Not every act of courage has to be monumental and shouted from the rooftop. It was courageous of me to pick up my kids’ toys first thing this morning when I didn’t want to. Courageous again, when I turned off the tv and hid the tablets to have play time with no distractions today when screen time is so much easier. Once more, when I opened my journal to get real with myself. Courage, in a huge way, when I made it onto my yoga mat for the first time in so long. Of course, putting these words down is just another example of choosing courage and making my dreams come true.

I want my choices to align with my dreams. I don’t want to do things that actively distance me from my best self. What a hard pill to swallow, knowing that I am my own biggest obstacle and there is no one else to blame. It is also entirely liberating to know I am also the solution.

Doing yoga today has me all in the feels. Yoga has saved me once already in this lifetime. Took me from a broken, sad girl to a hella strong, confident, and flexible warrior. I’ve been a lot of different things since abandoning my practice but I’ve never forgotten what that dedication did for me. It will take me a while to get back to where I left off, but I’ve read before- if you want to be an artist, make art. Do what you want to be. I want to be a writer. I am writing. I want to be a yogi. I am doing yoga. I want to have a happy home that serves my family. I work towards maintaining that home. I want friends that value me, I value the friends that I have.

I am finding my alignment. I am giving what I want and I know what I want will come back to me.