Master potter

Master potter

I’m jittery and anxious in a way I haven’t been in a long time.

Matt gifted me a 6-week pottery class for Christmas. This came after I declared myself a master potter because I watched one season of The Great Pottery Throw Down on HBO.

He knew I was on this minimalist/self-growth kick and really nailed it with this gift- for me, he won Christmas.

But now it’s day one of class and I’m sitting outside the studio like a nervous school girl remembering I’m not artistic at all and I’ve never even touched clay before (the little bird I made in middle school hardly counts).

Will I be good? Will this be awkward? Will anyone like me? Is this a mistake?

I know this is just my ego talking.

This is going to be good. I will be great. What an opportunity I’m walking into!

…. Now I walk in….

Great things happen when we put ourselves in new situations.

This art class is great because it is something brand new and challenging for me.

I like the way the teacher demonstrated and I quickly caught on that throwing on a wheel is more about feeling than learning. After night one, I learned the importance of being centered, and finding the center can be the hardest part. Pushing too hard and fast can lead to a crumble. Fluidity is key. It also always looks easier when someone else is doing it. But patience, focus, and perseverance will get the job done. Working on the wheel will highlight your mistakes with a complete collapse, but is fully recyclable and can be worked into something else later.

One night and all these lessons learned. Loving a good analogy, it’s obvious the way these ideas transfer to everyday life.

I’ll gain skills and knowledge through my pottery class. I’ll even create new mugs, bowls, and spoon rests for my kitchen. But I’m most looking forward to the things I’ll learn about myself in the process.

I- a social butterfly who doesn’t flap her wings often enough or sometimes even forgets they’re there, got to remind myself I can thrive in a group of strangers and friends alike. Giving and receiving energy from others helps my brain and soul. I don’t realize what I’m missing until I get it again.

With this diverse group of women, I joked and laughed, critiqued, and encouraged. One would say look how awful and we’d all spin it into having some use. It could be a sake cup! It’s meant to hold a single carnation! Abstract! Sell it on Etsy for $80!

I was in a room full of master potters!

Honestly, I’d rate my skills tonight as 4 out of 10 but I was expecting worse! I pleasantly surprised myself. I’ll likely spend the entire week watching YouTube videos of throwing a cylinder and daydreaming about getting back on the wheel again.

I told my class of 6 about watching the HBO show and how I was a self-proclaimed master potter before ever touching a wheel. It became the one-liner everyone used- I am a master potter.

At the end of class, we all took pictures of our work. I sent mine to Matt who instantly replied “Wow you’re really an expert already wtf”. Did I marry well or what?

So grateful to have a man who believes in me and pushes me out of my comfort zone.

I’m dedicated to this 6 week class but I’m also dedicated to doing things like this more often. I want to put myself in that nervy place of trying something new. I want to take risks and meet new people. I want to unlock all the potential I might be hiding within myself.

Who knows- I could really maybe be a master potter.